Grundlagen des Software Engineering WS 2014/15
Lecture 89-3001: Foundations of Software Engineering
(also for lecture 89-3002: Foundations of Software Engineering 1)
The webpage provides information about the lecture.
Table of Contents
- August 24th, 2015 - The preliminary results are available.
- August 11th, 2015 - The review of the exam will be at Friday September 4th at 03:00 PM in 32-439.
- August 10th, 2015 - You need to proof your identity at the exam. Please bring with you your student idientication card and your Personalausweis (or any other document like Passport, Driving Licence, etc. that is suited)
- May 19th, 2015 - Additional exercise on August 14th in 32-426 at 16:00 h
- There you can ask questions for the exam
- Please come latest by 16:15 h
- May 7th, 2015 - New exam date published.
- Find the date and room at → KIS .
- Apr 8th, 2015 - Final results are entered into QIS.
- Mar 11th, 2015 - Preliminary results for the exam are published. Further information see here.
Content of Lecture
- Module Handbook
- For CVT students: Module Handbook
- KIS Lecture
- KIS Exercise
Recommended Literature
- The slide of the lecture can be downloaded below. There are also the additional slide to the lecture included.
- Important Hint: The slides should increase your understanding of the lecture. They are no replacement of the lecture. In order to get a deeper understanding, especially to learn about the connections between topics, it is strongly recommended to attend the lecture.
- The exercise sheets are provided for downloading below.
Recommended Literature
- P. Jalote: "An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering", 3nd Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
- P. Jalote: "A Concise Introduction to Software Engineering", Springer London, 2010.
- I. Sommerville: "Software Engineering", 9th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2010.
Weitere Literaturangaben finden sich in den jeweiligen Kapiteln des Skripts.
Organizational Information
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Dieter Rombach
Room 32/421
Lecture assistance
Christian Wolschke
Room: 32/419
Telephone: (0631) 205-3333
The lecture Foundations of Software Engineering is the basis for all further lectures in the domain of Software Engineering and Programming. It's structure is given as following:
Mon. 8:15h - 9:45h , Room 46/110
Fri. 10:00h - 11:30h , Room 42/110
First lecture date: Monday Nov 3rd 2014 -
The organization of exercise is described here.
First exercise: In the week of Nov 10th to Nov 16th 2014.
Mo 15:30h - 17:00h, 42-105 (German)
Wed 15:30h - 17:00h,46-11032-426 (English)
It is sufficient to attend one of the exercise classes. -
Exam's dates
For Bachelor CS students:
- on March 2nd, 3rd or 5th
- Choose a time slot and register from Monday, 8th on at our secretary Mrs. Frey in 32-423
- Register at exam's office (Prüfungsamt) also.
- For other students (also Sozioinformatik)
- First opportunity: March 3rd 2015, Entrance is opened at 4:00 pm, Beginn will be at ca. 4:15 pm, at Sporthalle (28-111). KIS entry: see here
- Second opportunity: Will be announced soon.
- First opportunity: March 3rd 2015, Entrance is opened at 4:00 pm, Beginn will be at ca. 4:15 pm, at Sporthalle (28-111). KIS entry: see here
For Bachelor CS students:
Special Information for Commercial Vehicle Technology students
- CVT students will be examined about the module Foundations of Software Engineering 1.
- CVT students should attend each lecture and corresponding exercise until December 19th 2014.
- Exercise ends at January, 7th.
- On Thursday Feburary,
5th12th, from 13:45-15:15 h in 46-110 an additional slot will be offered to answer open questions. - There is exactly one written exam's date, that is the same for all students, who write the exam.
- The exam of CVT contains all contents up to December 19th 2014.
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